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Well you could try the Ni-Oh alpha (Samurai with supernatural elements) which is free to download for the PS4 and you can play two huge levels.

A word of caution Ni-Oh is just as bloody as Bloodborne and much more gory with arms, legs and head flying off. The controls are also differnt but it is a failry fast paced game (watch your stamina though) although the lock-on part which does work is a bit odd since it is possible to turn you r back and if you have played the Bloodborne or any of the Souls games this can be disasterous.

I played for a few hours last night and had to force myself to go to bed.  😉

A word of caution. This game is tough and like the Bloodborne/Souls games it is fair. Don't expect a tutorial, you start the game without a weapon and you have to find one and at the same time avoid conflict although you can punch but fists against a sword or axe is pretty much of a no contest.