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Using Europe as an example is bad. I hate when white people act oblivious to the reality of white privilege both in the U.S specifically and accross the rest of the world. Have whites been victims?

Yes! By other whites who are more powerful or rich. No white person has been discriminated against for being white (skin). Jews xould pass as German or any other white person as there was no way to distinguish them outside of language or name.

Here are some facts. Other races have been victimized by whites. From Africans, to Asians, to Indians, to Native Americans and Australians.

Both the indigenous population of the Americas and Australia were basically exterminated by Caucasians so don't be surprised that none whites don't sympathize with the so called white struggle.

Even poor whites face better treatment than that of a rich none white person. Poor whites in the U.S. don't get abused by cops like minorities. There is no stereotype to describe whites like other races.

You have a team named Redskins but whiteskins would never be tolerated. The list just goes on and on. So the next time you even think of asking such an obvious question think about the facts I mentioned.

By the way. I am bi-racial and can pass for white but I don't ever mention my white heritage and don't care to know anything about it because slavery is the only reason I am here and why I have white ancestry.

Wh en you are refused a house because of your skin color then you can complain, if you were never allowed to vote, drink from a water fountain or refused service because of your white skin then complain.

If you are hung, beat or raised like livestock on a plantation because your white skin is hated, then and only then can you claim discrimination or victimization.

Your lack of reality and understanding is why people feel the way they do towards white people so remember that.