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KungKras said:
Mummelmann said:

And the whole putting it up on a live stream part? Is that also good?

Rape is fucked up for sure, but so is filming it and putting it on live stream for people to watch, the person who filmed should get some sort of reaction from the justice system as well.

I don't know her side of the story. Either she wasn't that into tech and just did whatever she could in order to record the video or she's a really bad person who wanted attention. I don't know.

She's described as an accomplice in the article. All that aside; if she's holding her phone anyway, how about calling the police, or anyone in the world?

If we're to assume that she's innocent of anything, then we need to give the alledged rapist the same benefit of the doubt. After all, you and I haven't seen the video and heard his side of the story, right?

I agree that we don't know, I just reacted to your wording in your first post, it read as if you were actually giving praise to the girl for what she did and simply ignoring the possibility that she may well be an accomplice to a horrible, violent crime. That may not have been your intention and perhaps I simply misunderstood though.

People filming stuff, or generally not helping or doing anything really bothers me. Only last week, I stood up for an old lady at the subway station (Liljeholmen here in Stockholm) when a stocky, young man who was walking around blowing smoke in people's faces simply walked right into her so she almost fell over. He backed a couple of steps and screamed at her; "Hey, take it easy! Why the hell did you shove me?!"
Not a single person out of the at least fifty on the platform said or did anything, so I shouted; "You walked straight into her, you moron!" He turns towards me, some twenty yards away; "Shut up! She shoved me!" and I answered; "She was standing still, lay off." He muttered some choice words and stalked off towards the end of the platform and everyone looked at me as if I was the problem, and not a single person said "good job", gave me a thumbs up or even a nod, they clearly either didn't give a shit or were too cowardly to say or do anything, including acknowledging my actions, and it pissed me off.

The fantastic irony in this is that Swedish people pretend to have such great admiration and respect for so-called "civilkurage", but don't seem overly fond of actually practicing it.

So, people filming instead of helping (where it's possible, I'm not saying run into a burning building) is a symptom of our time, we remove ourselves from humanity by placing a lens and recording device between ourselves and things that happen in our world and to out fellow citizens.
With that in mind; I would never offer praise for this girl, even if she had 100% decent motives. Call the police, don't film an entire rape and stand idly by.

PS: The girl who filmed seems to have known the rapist, it is quite possible that this was some sort of setup. And if that's the case; I would most certainly judge the girl as much as the man (despite the fact that she's a girl).