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Snoopy said:
I find it more believable that something created this world to be honest then by luck everything happened in a specific order of random occurrences to create this world. Seriously, look at what scientists believe (which always changes) and see how crazy it is that all these things happen in a specific order to create us. The odds of this to be correct has to be in the same realm as winning the lottery over and over.


Well, scientists not 'always change their believes', they prove or disprove theories, improve and combine those theories. Like searching the link between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.


And that 'it's more believable' or basically way more easy is basically it. Religion is basically the universal solution for problems and questions you either just have no explanation for or just don't like the other explanations.


'What happens when i'm dead? '


'Oh, that sucks. I want my existence to keep on in a shiny nice warm place where everyone i already miss is'

Thats it. A nice warm thought. To not being egoistic you might use the excuse that someone else that died now is at a better place, let's call it heaven, because you get the option to join him.

Ad some decent society rules to that recipe like don't  ya dare to kill someone, insert a nice excuse like except he/she is a reeeeeaaaally bad person and everythings fine.

Not getting to that damn afterlife might be a more or less good reason for some people not to do the bad things. If that's not bad enough we put some torture porn on the menu: You'll be on the BBQ alive, without actually dying or getting inconscious or, actually eternal pain.

Now we're getting a little mad:
Ain't believe me? BBQ.

Different believes? Ok, live BBQ and than afterlive BBQ...


It gives us a nice, warm feeling that everything happened by intent. Like oh that terrible car accident must've been higher intent because of 'insert random stupid reason' or she was such a lovely girl god wanted her to be with him. Latter one sounds way better than she did of leukemia because of DNA mutations, so no higher intent.

Well, think about that: World releigions could actually totally different then they are today. Of the global player religions three are abrahamitic. The religious landscape could look totally different if some points in history had played out differently. Yep, i know, someone now will 150% for sure explain that exactly that happened because that guy is actually the god.

Well, if things had played out different, would that god actually exist at all?


We are probably the only species on this planet that plans in longer terms and thinks about it's own existence. so we like to have explanations. Like how was the world created. Preferably explanations we understand. A concept of god is actually easier to understand and nicer than what actually happened with the big bang or quantum mechanics.

And yes, you'll probably use it to explain what hopefully will happen when you're dead (cause you basically just don't want to be nonexistant) and all those other things.

Does anything prove gods existence? Nope. Actuelly not, at least not in a scientific or even objective way.