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Ye, from that point on Kylo just isnt himself, hes head is not there, he is conflicted you can see hes far from 100%.

Please read my answer for superchunk on this matter. 

@Virlando youre complaining about Rey having a vision seriously ? Theres this thing in the Star Wars universe called The Force, and thats how The Force works, Force visions is one of the most commong manifestation of The Force and happens even to younglings that are sensitive and never even tought about training. The movie makes it very clear that Rey is very strong with the Force, its more than natural for her to have a Force vision after coming in contact with the lightsaber of another very powerfull Force user. If you dont like the Force being exactly like it always was on a Star Wars movie, maybe you shouldnt be watchign a Star Wars movie.

My friend, I am not speaking about the vision itself, I am saying that she didn't need to touch anything to have a vision. That's my point. Visions are something very common in the Universe. I understand the visions, but they're coming from the force not from any objects used as triggers.