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Fox News and the Republican base have not learnt from the mistakes of the past. Many of them honestly believe that a far right candidate can win the White House whereas most observers can plainly see that they need to moderate their views to win over swing voters.
It's 2015 people! Conservative values need to change with the times.
Also the elephant in the room - George Bush Jnr was sooooooooo bad that the Republican Brand suffered
considerably and hasn't quite recovered. And as for the TEA Party.... Please! As if the Republicans weren't far enough to the right!
Republicans talk ad nauseam about their constitutional rights and freedom, in particular the 2nd amendment. But what about the separation of Church and State? Any why do people who align themselves with Christianity constantly display the least Christian values of anyone - trying to repeal basic health care to the poor come to mind.
Republicans are just so insular, in this bubble and they honestly have no idea how fucking fanatical and crazy they are. I can't wait to watch Rupert Murdoch and Fox News piss and moan after the next election