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Hitchbot, a robot that was part of a social experiment was found mutilated after expending only two weeks in his journey to travel across the US.

Unable to move itself, Hitchbot travelled the world relying entirely on the kindness of human strangers.

Hitchbot managed to complete trips across Canada, Germany and the Netherlands, without a hitch, so to speak.

Hitchbot had a couple of good weeks exploring New York City and Boston, as you can see from his almost giddy tweets -- he even took in a Red Sox baseball game at Fenway Park.

Once Hitchbot reached Philadelphia, however, his welcome ran out. In a graphic photo posted by Canadian journalist Lauren O'Neil, we see Hitchbot with its arms ripped off and its head missing.

Hitchbot looks like a horror film victim in this tweet from journalist Lauren O'Neil.

"Oh dear, my body was damaged, but I live on back home and with all my friends," Hitchbot wrote on his website. "I guess sometimes bad things happen to good robots! My trip must come to an end for now, but my love for humans will never fade. Thank you to all my friends."

Hitchbot is equipped with GPS, 3G, video and audio, which perhaps made him more likely to be mugged than mutilated by vandals. With his metal torso wrapped in flexible solar panels, and foam arms ready for handshaking and hugs, Hitchbot was hardly the Terminator.

It begins...

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