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AbbathTheGrim said:
SuaveSocialist said:
This one's going to Superman. Doctor Manhattan has a very impressive power set, but his feats are quite small and his potential/limitations undefined.

Superman tanked a supernova and survived a black hole; the Doctor has never demonstrated destructive capacity anywhere near that scale. Though the Doctor has managed to piece himself back together after being blasted into atoms, the Infinite Mass Punch would reduce the Doctor's quantum state to even more basic components of matter (see: What if Superman Punched You (

If the Doctor could pull himself back together after that, Superman still has Phantom Zone technology and the means to warp the space-time continuum just by rubbing his hands together and using static electricity. And since the Doc was so decisively outsmarted by a mere human--to such an extent where his ability to "see time" became unreliable--Superman's intelligence and speed are arguably high enough to do the same.

1) I like the way you want to use that which is not known about the powers of Doctor Manhattan only against him, when they could also be used in his favor.

2) Batman escaped a Black Hole, never it says that he survived a Singularity, but escaped from it. He would become toothpaste of subatomic particles if he would be swallowed by a Black Hole.

There is no precedent of Superman surviving being torn apart into molecular or atomic level and surviving and retaining his identity. While on the other hand there is a precedent for Doctor Manhattan when he retained consciousness and powers even when turned into pieces.

Doctor Manhattan will simply do this to Superman and bye bye Superman:

3) If you are going to give Superman previous knowledge of his enemy's weaknesses, the same should be allowed for Doctor Mahattan.

4) Doctor Mahattan can manipulate matter. Like mornelithe said:

We know he can control matter, at will, The Comedian says this to him just after he shot that pregnant Vietnamese woman in the bar in Vietnam.  He literally says he could've turned the gun into flowers. 

Doctor Manhattan could surround himself, or convert the air around Superman into kryptonite in any moment. Kryptonite is matter and Dr can manipulate and convert it at will. He could even turn his body into kryptonite and make Superman pay for even touching him.

5) You try to use the fact that a brilliant human like Ozymandias used a technique to try and nullify one of Dr. Manhattan's powers and make his plan work (just to nullity one of his powers, Ozumandias ran like a little bitch when Doctor Manhattan faced him later face to face), but then you don't mention the fact that someone as powerful as Superman was DEFEATED by a simple human: Batman who used different techniques to nullify Superman's powers using "matter" that Doctor Manhattan could easily manipulates at will. We are not talking about outsmarting here, we are talking about Superman having been defeated by a human.

Doctor Manhatta wins.

1. Nope. It is irrational to assume that Doc's abilities are greater than they have been shown to be.

2. Doc has only reconstructed himself from being torn into atoms.  He has never reconstructed himself from having his atoms torn apart.  There is a precedent for Superman tanking that which should tear someone's atoms apart.  There is no such precedent for Doc.

Doc would wave his hand and nothing would happen.  Superhuman durability: Superman has it.

3. I'm not giving Superman any prior knowledge.  Superman only knows what he canonically knows and same goes for Doc.

4. Kryptonite does not exist in Watchmen canon; Doc has no idea what it is or does.  

5. Superman never had a single canonical fight to which he lost against Batman.

Nice try, though.  Next time, show us something that Doc has actually done which compares to Superman's feats.  Doc waves his hand.  Nothing happens.  Superman punches Doc into quarks---Doc has only reconstructed himself from atoms.

Superman wins.