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i dont get why people are saying that ps4 doesnt have real competition.

the wiiu launched 1 year earlier much like what the 360 did tk get a head start.
the xbone sold a million units when it launched much like the ps4 did and was poised to give tne ps4 a run for its money.

but somewhere between then and now, the general public made its choice and that choice was the ps4. its not that competition sucked but that sony ws able to grab the best public perception among the three.

the general and majority gaming puclic doesnt have brand loyalty. they go where the general and majoriy opionon says it should know, like sheeps...

like, hey, new diner with awesome food! yeah! lets all go!
or..hey, its a damn great movie! yeah! lets all watch... age of ultron comes to mind...
with the ps4...hey, its dabest, strongest one outb thee with the best games! yeah lets all buy it.

and with that, the one and u are royaly screwed.

at current price point its selling well..imagine what will happen if it gets a price cut...