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TRAVIS!!! said:
niallyb said:

Because a lot of young male gamers are not mature enough to examine their own prejudices and take her points as an opportunity to grow.  For many young gamer males - a game world is the one place where they are not impotent. Its the one environment they can exercise control over.


Its far easier for them to issue anonymous threats that they don't have to be accountable for than actually make an attempt to understand the value in what she is saying.  Of course their reaction has totally validated every one of her criticisms but its far easier to attack the messanger as being somehow illegitmate than seriously examine the merits of her points.


For young male gamers who typically have no close female friends and no skills to bridge the gap  - she sounds like an alien.  The fundamental problem is one of self awareness.   


I've seen similar insanity where devs have introduced gay characters in their games.  A certain segment of gamers reject the notion of being prejudiced  - by behaving in an entirely prejudiced way.  They simply don't have an understanding of what prejudice means or how damaging it is to others.

Spot on.

So many people don't even bother to watch her videos (in which she, for example, explains how violence against women is often different from violence against men, and how misogyny in games or movies can have negative impacts in real life) and rather just believe in lies that got spread on the internet. 

I can somewhat agree with your guys on this. There are a lot of guys who don't even know that they are exploding because they feel threatened.