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So, I am loving Resident Evil Remake HD on Xbox One.

But, after playing RE 6,5, 4 and Revelations, I realize that Capcom changed totally what RE was from the beginning in RE4 foward, and, that is not really a good thing.

RE HD is faithful to what RE once was: A adventure game, very cerebral, where inventory and map management are part of the fun and the chalenge.

Where guns are a tool, but not a garantee.

Where the thrills come not from action pieces, but from despair.

A game about getting a object, examining it and finding where it fits.

A unique experience that degraded into anothe Pew! Pew! Pew! juvenile shooter like so many out there.

Oh, what is really sad is: We will never, EVER, have a new REAL Resident Evil, there is just not a market for such a game anymore.

All we will have are farses, disgusting TPS charades named Resident Evil, but could very well be called Gears of War.

RE HD is a great game, but it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, a taste of something that is gone, and will never be again...


RE´s adventure aspect  was awesome, made RE a game that made you think, you had to manage the very itens you could carry, make important choices, made you think:

Do I take a extra Herb or the Key? 

Am I going to pass near that tiger statue?

Should I take a Ink Ribbon or go for broke?

There, two zombies, fight or flight?

How many pieces of that crest do I already have?

There was a room with a item on the second floor, but I had no place in the inventory, time to go back?

These made the game imersive to me, like my little choices really mattered, in a actually unique way,

RE5 and RE6 were just cheap shots, just Michael Baystic steps into something else.

Altought I still praise RE5 visuals and art direction, I really miss games like RE HD, Adventure-horror-survival hybrids, so unique.

Never again, there is just no market anymore.

It is just depressing to realize this...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.