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Because using the main outfit for the whole game gets too boring after a while. Whether it's from an action game, beat 'em up, fighting game, FPS, TPS... what is your favorite alternate outfit? You can explain it

If your favorite is a NSFW, you can mention it. But if you're gonna post NSFW pics, paste the link with a NSFW disclaimer.

Adon (SSFIV)


Abel (SSFIV)

Sagat (SSFIV)

DOA5U Hayate and Ryu's test bodysuit.

DOA5U Hayate and Ryu's test bodysuit.

Now, for some less clingy alts:

RE4 Gangster Leon. It included an unique reload animation with the Chicago Typewriter.

Tuxedo Ratchet because why not.


Go ahead. Which one are your favorites?