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If you are coming to BioShock Infinite with BioShock 1 in mind, you might finish the game disappointed. The non-wrench weapons felt a lot better to use, unfortunately you're limited to using only two at the same time. You're limited two spells at the same time as well. Despite the better feeling weapons, I quickly became bored by the combat segments. Compared to Bioshock 1, I got the sensation of constantly being inundated with enemies. If that doesn't bother you, I don't see why you can't enjoy the game. I hear the Burial at Sea DLC adds in a weapon wheel, and has a greater focus on the story.

I found Alan Wake to be an enjoyable third-person shooter that satisfied me in two ways. Enemies not requiring headshots to put down and only one genuine boss battle that wasn't overly long. The need to only shoot at the enemy after dispelling their shield, lowered my growing disinterest in shooters. Possessing a similar opinion on boss battles in general, I found the game's combat structure refreshing in this sense as well. The only thing I didn't like about this game was the jumping, which felt poorly done and becomes annoying in the few instances you're required to do it.