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Hey everyone, I am back w I th another post I have been a little busy with my YouTube channel so I couldnt post. Now for the topic itself.

I have found a ton of Nintendo haters on the internet and most of them use the same claim for the Wii U's situation. They claim that us Nintendo fans say that they should wait until a certain game releases to boost Wii U sales. This is how it started.

Last year, SM3DW was released along with Pikmin and others like W101 and WWHD. The first game that Nintendrones claimed to save the Wii U was Pikmin 3. It helped sales but not by much. Then it was W101 which did not help. Then it was WWHD which gave it a sub decent boost. Comes holiday 2013 and it was SM3DW. It gave it a decent or pretty good boost but it was far from saving it.

Obviously our counter was wait until MK8 and SSB4 come out, Ninty haters flipped. They would say that we keep on making excuses for games not selling the Wii U and we keep coming up with another savior. TThen MK8 comes out and the Wii U does great or at least way better. Obviously there was going to be a downfall in sales over time. Anti-Nintendies now spell doom and gloom because MK8 did not save it and that we should stop saying that a game would save it. This is my counter.

First of all, one game cant arguably save a console but can still help. Let me counter to the amount of games we say will save the Wii U. Why do we keep coming up with other games to save the Wii U? Easy. New games keep on getting announced! Each game gets a specific audience. MK 8 got racers, SSB4 will get the competitive gamers. Bayo and Devils third will get Action and as much as I hate to say this word: hardcore gamers. X will get the JRPG fans. 

The haters assume that we make up excuses but we dont. We provide extra information to the haters. The 3ds needed a price cut. MK7 was revealed to be coming but it didnt sell the 3ds alone. It was SM3DL and a price cut along with Luigis mansion and Pokemon later in the lifecycle. 

In conclusion, it is games that sell a console. I repeat GAMES. Plural! Games will get announced every now and then so for the people that spell doom and gloom from one game flopping that we said will help, there will always be another game.