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Welcome back to The Rating Game.


We  gamers are a special breed, we play games.

Good games, bad games, short games, 100 hr games, We live for them, we breath gaming, we even fight for our spot in line at the launch of a new console. It's in our blood as they say.

But what about the people that are in charge of creating those games. The masterminds, the creators, the visionaries.

Do we thank them enough ? Maybe not. But one thing we do, and we do it allot,  is judge their creations.

Today we'll take a look at 3 of the great minds of gaming. 


Hironobu Sakaguchi - Worked on classics such as Final Fantasy/ Chrono Trigger & Xenogears.

Shigeru Miyamoto - The mind behind some greats such as Super Mario Galaxy/ Donkey Kong & The Legend Of Zelda.

Hideo Kojima - We thank him for such hits as Policenauts/ Metal Gear Solid & Zone Of The Eders.


As you well know, this The Rating Game, so this is a 2 part question.

(1) Which of these 3 minds in YOUR OPINION has had the BIGGEST influence on the gaming industry ?

(2) If you had to choose just 1 game from just 1 of these  creators, the 1 game that changed your life as a gamer (if any) WHAT game would it be ?


The Rating Game............... Go ahead, Rate.