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BreedinBull said:

The internet would have you believe there is a "slight" power difference between the two. After watching this, it would be intentionally being dense to call the difference in power between these two consoles, "slight".

You will be shocked to what lenghts people will go to dismiss something.

To call the difference slight, would literally be like saying there would be no difference if the XB1 had a 6CU GPU instead of a 12CU GPU. Now how anyone will look at a 12CU GPU and say its not that different form a 18CU GPU is beyond me. And we arejust talking about the GPU compute units here. if we actually went into detail you will see the amount of areas the PS4 trumps the XB1; you can really help but laugh at anyone that tries to tell you how the hardware is the same.

Its really hsocking just how far people can go to simply not see what they don't want to see.