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In the last 10 years or so, we have been blessed to see the resurgence of great movie remakes. 

From the likes of the Dark Knight series, to the Newly remake of the Spiderman series, to even the Man Of Steel. 

It seem like directors have finally got a grasp on what fans are clamming for and in  the eyes of many viewers and fans, have delivered in what most would say, are some solid movies.

So lets look back, look back to a time when we were all in love with either of these 3 movies. Either we loved them in movie form, or we totally hated them in movie form. On thing was for sure, we were all totally hyped for at least 1 of these movies at one time.

1 - Mortal Kombat (1995)

2 - Tekken (2010)

3 - Street Fighter (1994)


So the question is, 

Which of these movies would you like to see make a Return ?

And who should direct the new entry ?