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Runa216 said:
"Don't bother having an opinion on the net, for as long as someone disagrees with you, you are wrong. simple as that."

The reason I am so passionate about my hatred of Final Fantasy XIII is that I do not, under any circumstances, want to see another game like it. Final Fantasy was literally the most dominant force in JRPGs from 1987-2006, 19 years of dominance in its market, and I loved every one of them that I played. To see the overall direction of the series shift into something that is shallow, poorly written, fundamentally flawed, and is a prime example of style over substance kills me inside. .../

/... Final Fantasy has a LOT of pull in the RPG world, so if Square-Enix decides to go in the FFXIII direction, then the genre will be ruined, and I do not want to see that happen.

Well said. It good for many of us to keep repeating ourselves if needed to make sure SquEnix know how they went wrong and to not make the same mistakes.

Hmm, pie.