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The problem is how you make the decision. Do only the residents of that part of the country have a say? what about the rest of the country's population? Don't they have a stake in maintaining the territorial integrity of the country? And what's the reason for seceding? If a wealthy part of a country wants to split from the rest that has a severe economic impact on the remainder of the country. What's the minimum land area that can secede? Can a neighbourhood secede? what about a City? or part of a province/state?

Every presidential election in the USA has people of one state or another gumbling about seceding. When GWB won a second term liberal states started grumbling about seceding, when Obama won a second term conservative states grumbled about seceding. Can people secede out of spite or for sour grapes? If you hold a referendum what sort of participation is required to legitimise the outcome? Is it incumbent on the agency running the process to ensure all cultural and ethnic groups are fairly represented among voters? Is a referendum valid if status quo is not an option? How can it be judged whether there are ulterior motives behind the secession? What is the history of the place?

Sure, the possibility of secession can be included within the legal framework of a country, but the basis for secession needs to be firmly established in law and not ad hoc or externally imposed by an outside aggressor looking to expand their influence, control or territory.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix