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Ok, is this really a conversation we're having... are we all 14 years old or something here?

My first "date", honestly, don't really remember. My first long term serious relationship was when I was 15, lasted till I was 18 and went off to uni. Long distance killed it basically.

Was it good? Well duh. Was I proud? What teenager getting regular sex isn't? Was I an awkward teen? Probably, everyone is at some point.

Let's be frank here. This is a conversation that's going to go only one way. Mockery. I have no idea how old you are Slarvax but I'd put money on you being a teenager. You're proud, you want to boast about your new girlfriend and such, and that's all fine but this is not the place for it and you're going to regret it in the long run. You may as well have started a thread titled, "I got laid last night", because that's how it's coming across.

In short. Good for you. Yes it's normal. Most of us have had the same experience or at least something similar. If it swells and gets itchy see a doctor...