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Playstation fan and Microsoft fan will never get along.

I have been in this site wathing and reading threads and this is what I have noticed, of course there are exceptions but this is how I have realise that most fan reacts.

1) A Thread with good news about Playstation:

                  Sony fan will come in and be very overhyped about the news

                  Microsoft Fan will not really comment that much in the thread.

2) A Thread with good news about Microsoft

                 Microsoft fan will act like this is the future right there

                 But a lot of Sony fan will come into the thread and try to make the good news look not so good like it's nothing to go crazy about

3) A thread with bad news about Playstation or with critics about playtation

                 Playstation fan will acknowledge the errors and say they should really work to fix this and that.

4) A thread with bad news or critics about Microsoft

               Microsoft fan will try to make it looks like that is not a problem at all.

5) Microsoft fan support to their console

              The microsoft fan put the money where their mouth is at.  They buy Xbox games.

6) Sony fan support to their console

              While sony fans do buy Playstation games but not as much as Xbox Players. Sony fan like the free stuff (lol just joking)


So if you guys think of anything else that differentiate them. Please feel free to add or to comment my oberservations.