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Zod95 said:

Companies are what we (consumers) allow them to be. With all this double standard, it doesn't surprise me that Nintendo is so much more greedy than Sony / Microsoft. That's obviously gamers' fault. What would have happened if the demanding Xbox clients became as "brand-protective" as those Nintendo fans I was talking about? I bet the DRM policies would have been on at this moment as well as other equally (or even more) aggressive measures that Microsoft has never even dare to think about. Nintendo fans with that attitude will only get harmed (by the very company they are trying to defend) and people like me will only avoid giving a dime to Nintendo.

"So much more greedy than Sony / Microsoft"? Do you have an inside scoop on Nintendo? Last time I checked, all businesses strive to make a profit. In anyway they can. Why? Maybe because that's how they stick around, by making money. 

I would also like to point out that it wasn't just Microsoft fans who were against MS' practices prior to the XBO's release. The larger voice game from Sony fans and Nintendo fans.