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So i'm not to sure why there are so many Wii U haters out there,  it seems alot of older gamers like to jump on the hate bandwagon.

I want to start by saying I'm 31 and I never owned the original Wii because I didn't like the idea of motion controls.  I took a chance, never trying the Wii U, I blindly bought it when the limited edition Windwaker bundle was released....and to be honest, I'm completely blown away on how awesome this machine is.  As far as gaming goes, I own 6 Wii U games so far and I am super happy on how good they are, the quality put into the games is second to none.  There are also many excellent games on the horizon (DKTF,Mario Kart 8,Smash, X,bayo 2, project cars, etc..). Also the tablet control is really comfortable and is a great inovating piece of equipment, it has numerous different uses and prolly still more to come.

I know it's apparently not as powerful as Xbox1/Ps4 but the graphics are still amazing to the naked eye.  So why is there so many haters???? Is it because the 100 million people that bought the original Wii feel ripped off because it sat on their shelves most of its lifespan? Is it because people still think that it's all about motion controls??(which it isn't, because i have never once needed a motion control for any single game), Is it because it's the "cool" thing to do to jump on the bash wagon?

I have been a gamer my whole life and I haven't had this much fun on a console in a long time.  It's looking like a really good year for Nintendo games, and gaming in general.   I really  hope that people will turn that corner and get off that bash train and realize how great the Wii U really is.