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I was 16. Before that, my dick would be on fire but I had no idea what to do. I didn't even have porn and nobody explained anything so I didn't know how these things worked. I once found my parents condoms and put all of them on one after another. All I knew was it felt good. Meanwhile, I was getting uncontrollable erections like all the time at the worst possible moments. In high school, I actually had to trap my penis in my belt otherwise it was really embarrassing.

Anyway, I had Cinemax and I was watching this old movie called "The Blue Lagoon". Brooke Shields was in it and she was trapped on an island with this guy. Hell, I think they were brother and sister. Anyway, they were on this island alone since they were kids and they were pretty much grown up. There was a part where she said told the guy that she saw him playing with himself and she saw what happens when he does it for a long time. I was curious to find out.

That night, I took a shower. I would wash my face, wash my penis. Arms, penis. Chest, penis. Penis, penis. Penis, penis, penis......OH MY GOD! It was like I lost all control of myself. I damn near tore down the shower rod. Greatest feeling, ever! And the rest was jerk off history.