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Dr.Grass said:
Kasz216 said:

First off... you don't "catch" ADHD. So it's not your professors fault if you have it.

You probably don't have ADHD. You are just lazy.

ADHD is so over diagnosed in some places because it more or less matches the symptoms of lazy people and is a great excuse.

The pot isn't helping in that regard.

So. Congratulations. You don't have to feel bad about yourself due to your distaste for people with mental diseases.

On the other hand however... your problem is more of a personal flaw.

As for not knowing anyone as smart as you that hasn't achieved anything?

Look up Christopher Langan.

He's way smarter than you.... and his main occupation is as a bouncer.


IQ and outcome actually are only very loosely correlated.  In general, it seems IQ seems more a gradiant system then a predictor of how well you will apply your intellegence.

(Like for example, how 50 pushups can tell if you will make it in the army, but WON'T say how good of a soldier you become.)


The style of your writing leads me to believe that you felt bitterness at my "self praise" in the OP.

"First off... you don't "catch" ADHD. So it's not your professors fault if you have it.

You probably don't have ADHD. You are just lazy."

Did I say that!? I've considered my whole childhood and late teens and all my behaviour before rusing to this conclusion.

I'm sorry but I don't know Christopher Logan. It should be fucking obvious that I'm talking about people I know personally.

"IQ and outcome actually are only very loosely correlated.  In general, it seems IQ seems more a gradiant system then a predictor of how well you will apply your intellegence."

Yeah we all know that. I'm just using it as an indicator. It does mean something you know.

1) You said that... but then blamed your proffessor.

It's not really his fault...

As for Christopher Langan.  He scores 185+ constanty.  Hence why I said he's smarter than you.

Tons of people like that.  Really once you hit a high enough IQ... it almost seems a hinderance.

Hell, shit is why I'm glad I was born premature.  My IQ was professionally tested in the 130s... had I NOT been born prematurely by over a month i'd of probably been some socially inept goon.

Shit I was diagnosed with ADHD, took ritalin for a while.  It's mostly bullshit.

All high IQ means.... is that you can walk to where other people need to run.

Which means you have to walking to stuff feels like crawling.

Which can be fucking boring. 

I mean.. I was held back in Kintergarden?  Why?  I couldn't settle down and was disruptive.  Was it because i had a disorder?   No... it was because we were learning that B made a "buh sound"  and I could already read, add, subtract and multiply.

It's not a matter of not having less concentration, it's just smart people need to concetrate more then other people on mundane shit.

That's just the normal downside of having a high IQ...

and why IQ doesn't really correlate with success.

Writing papers is just boring because it's just putting down on paper what's already in your head... and it's already there in your head... so it's just tedious.

What I would do is, i'd just stay up until about 3-4 in the morning... and then when i was nice and tired

Though really?   Fuck Success.


If your not happy... what's the point of making an impact on society and the world?   And if you are happy... seriously, whats the point?  You are already happy.

If you don't believe in god.  Everything you do won't matter the minute you die anyway.

If you do... it still won't matter.  You'll be in heaven or reincarnated or whatever else.

It's fun to achive stuff, sure.  It's nothing to get all upset about though.