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I'm focusing on Wii U games, since I'm less likely to make a fool of myself.

Wii U
*Super Mario 3D Land - 9 million (Less than 64/Galaxy, but more than Sunshine/Galaxy 2)
*DKC Tropical Freeze - 4.5 million (Somewhat less than DKCR, but not a HUGE drop.
*Mario Kart 8 - 20 million (MK console games sell to about 1/3 of players, and I expect the Wii U to sell about 60 million lifetime.
*Smash Bros 4 - 9.25 million (Between Melee and Brawl)
*Sonic: Lost World - 2 million (Long Legs ahoy!)
*Bayonetta 2 - Just under 1 million
*Wind Waker HD - 2 million
*Wii Fit U - 4 million (Nintendogs-esque drop)
*Wii Party U - 5 million (Casual killer app?)

*Killzone Shadowfall - 3 million (Not that huge a franchise, plenty of shooters available)
*Infamous Second Son - 2 million (Possibly not even the biggest open world game at launch)
*Knack - 1 million (Honestly doesn't look that goof IMO)

*Forza 5 - 4 million
*Dead Rising 3 - 2 million

Love and tolerate.