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I think that the "PSP go" was a great experience about how a digital only device is actually wanted by gamers all over the world. It absolutely bombed.

What is the actual benefit of a digital download?
+I can probably find older games that are not longer in stock at my local retailer online.
+There are "small games" like "the cave", "Monkey Island Special Edition" or the new "Duck Tales" that are fitting for digital download and probably would not have been made only for a retail version otherwise.

That is it. I can simply see no other benefit. I live only 5 minutes away from the next game store, and even if I would live in a very rural area I could buy games via online stores and let them sent to my house via postal service. So "availabilty" is not really an argument for me... And I hope that I will never see the day that I get so lazy that I am not willing to walk for a few minutes to go the next store... or the day where I feel that I have missed something because I couldn't play a game on the very first day available.

What are the things I lose through digital dustribution?
--- I can't borrow the game to my brother (this one is a huge dealbreaker. I can borrow a DVD, a Book, a car, a pot, my laptop...... I can borrow almost anything to him. Why should games be excepted? What will be the next step? Do I have to registrate my face and my fingerprints so that only I can use my laptop/game/console? Do I have to pay for every person watching a movie that I rent?)
-- Price
- Data Size. It would be very inconvenient to manage my HDD space. After a few months I will have to delete games and later reinstall them if i want to play again.
--- Server Shutdown (If you have bought a game like Buzz Quiz TV, White Knight Chronicles 2, Ghostbusters, etc.. you will consider this argument more thoughtful).

--- The digital version is often more expensive than a retail copy.