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No diversity?

Knack? Secret Ponchos? Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III, Mirror's Edge, The Witness, Contrast, Sunset Overdrive, Below, Killer Instinct, Project Spark, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (this one has a really awesome art style), Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Transistor... They all look the same to you?

You're taking the games that go for realism and dismiss all the obvious ones. As was said before, you must get bored of movies quite easily. After all, most of them use live actors, and they all look like reality, with the same advanced lighting engine... ¬_¬

And coming from a guy who favors Nintendo... Over 90% of their games are using the rounded cartoon style. So it's rather hypocritical of you to dismiss the realistic looking games like you do here. 

And before you get a shot at me, I love the cartoon style Nintendo is using. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of your position here.

For each game a proper graphical look.