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If Woman wants equality, then men must have the same right as woman when it comes to choosing weather to keep a baby or abort it, after all it took both of them to conceive the baby in the first place.

If woman however want the sole rights because it's 'their body, their choice' despite what men think, then this is inequality to men. The only way to keep equality but also allow woman to have the sole rights is to give the men the rights to a financial abortion.

So lets look at this in a scenario;
1) Man and Woman want baby, they have baby.
2) Man wants baby, Woman DOESN'T want baby, Woman aborts baby, her body her choice and man has no say.
3) Man DOESN'T want baby, Woman wants baby, Woman has baby and man is forced into child care, man has no say.
Alternative to 3) Man DOESN'T want baby, Woman wants baby, Woman has baby, Man chooses financial abortion, Man lives his life, Woman her life, and none shall ever meet again.

Also I see a hypocrisy, So a Woman can have an abortion after 6 weeks, no issue, no drama, the potential mother is not tried for murder, however, a man tricks a woman into an abortion and now he's being tried for murder, talk about Misandry.

The only thing that should be discussed is the extremes this man took so that he would not be financially burdened by this woman decision, this clearly shows a lack of male choice and male rights when it comes situations likes this, had their been choice in the first place this wouldn't even be news, clearly laws need to be changed to better accommodate the rights of men as well as woman.