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Developer also says

"I think Nintendo has a lot to gain from being more like Sony, by reaching out to developers and that way get more developers with them.

If that were to happen, you feel more enthusiasm as a developer, and perhaps you'd be inspired to make something cool, something good. In the case of Nintendo this could be something based on the GamePad for the Wii U."

(This is my translation)

So developers are children who need approval and encouragement from Nintendo to be inspired to develop something cool or good?

This is a laughable excuse and quite discouraging to see grown men fall back on this kind of thinking. In the real world it works like this:

You have the dev kits, you either use them to make something or you don't. It's up to you. Don't pretend that Nintendo needs to reach out to you, that it's too difficult to figure out how to do it, that you would like to do something it's just all these things that are out of our hands. This is excuse driven thinking and not the domain of men, that is how children think.

Finally, I think it's only fair to point out that the guy is Swedish, and that perhaps it reflects poorly on me to expect clear analytical thinking from a Swede.