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Conservative do want less government. We want the government to only be what it needs to be. Uphold the constitution, enforce laws/justice system, and protect the sovereignty of the nation. Conservatives want simpler cheaper government and don't want waste. We are willing to spend money on defense because without a superior army will will be defenseless against our enemies. We want charities to do what the government shouldn't, but we want police to do what the public shouldn't.

Your confusing conservationism with the religious right who wants to enforce the bible with government laws. It's true that conservatives look at the past and liberals look to the future. But that's because conservatives were happy with the way things used to be and liberals want change at any cost.

There are so many laws that shouldn't exist. If it wasn't for the outdated tax code the government wouldn't be in the business of marriage licenses and the whole gay marriage controversy wouldn't exist. The IRS is one of the best examples of the US government being too big and causing too much waste. Conservatives don't want the government in control of our lives any more than libertarians. The religious right on the other hand wants to impose their version of morals on us just like liberals want to pass laws to impose their versions of morals. They just happen to be in opposition. The Republican party should not be looked at as the representation of conservatives. It may have been in the past, but now it wastes just as much money as the Democrats and grows government only slightly slower.

Conservatives believe the government is very important, but it shouldn't be the giant monster it has become.