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There are better cases of voter fraud then that. There are plenty of examples of Illegal aliens voting.

"CBS4/Miami Herald analysis of information supplied by Miami-Dade shows a large number of the potential non-citizens voters cast ballots in the past — including the 2000 election, when the presidency was decided by just over 500 votes."


Note for Liberals:   Since most illegal aliens from Florida are Cubans there is no gurantee that those illegal alien votes weren't what won the election for Bush.  (Cubans vote Republican due to Republicans harshness towards Cuba.)

When people say there are no cases of voter fraud, what they really mean is there are no cases of people found guilty of voter fraud. There are very few (though not zero) cases of this because well...

A) Nobody really investigates it unless given proof, nobody just goes over the voter roster and investigates EVERYBODY that would be expensive as hell and stupid.

B) Even if they find such cases, your spending tens of thousands of dollars to prosecute one individual vote. That again is expensive as hell and stupid.

Which is why voter ID laws really are the only thing that makes sense.