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indeed:the same poor result.

no new ip's,no old forgooten ip's(except yoshi),a simple HD port(of the ugliest zelda game)

After several years I'm a little bit bored.Played 2d and 3d mario recently,same with mario kart and also played a zelda remake(Oot)
At first I was pleased with the line up but I soon i realized:no wave race,no f zero,no starfox,no 3d donkey kong etc=
the same old recycled games again and again.
(I'm pretty sure mario cart will use many old tracks)

but i don't think you are right with kinect.kinect could never compete with nintendo in casual gaming-the software sales are bad (in europe really bad)and without huge and expensive merchandising 0 chance to succeed
No system selling game,nothing that really attracts people and it works horrible.
Nintendo will remain king of the casual gaming just as they will stay king of low 3rd party support and king of "more of the same"