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I believe 9/11 was an inside job, so I really don't have any trouble believing this was staged as well.

1. The AR-15 was never used, but the coroner claims it was the main weapon. This could easily be the US wanting to justify more weapon bans.

2. No bodies, parents not allowed to see their children?

3. Facebook pages/websites before the massacre?

4. Emergency crews blocked off?

5. 27 killed with some of them being shot 3-7 times...only 1 injured?? Wow he must be the most accurate person in the world.

People need to start questioning things, if you just blindly trust the government like sheep then it won't be long before America is Nazi Germany. The first step towards government control is always disarming its citizens...and this "massacre" is great justification to ban the AR-15 and other semi-automatic weapons...oh and the AR-15 is not an assault rifle by the way, it's semi-automatic...the AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite, not assault rifle.