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I can't say for sure but there are some weird "inconsistencies" such as the father of one of the children laughing it up right before his "tear filled" interview starts. You can even see him perform, what I guess is some actor training (weird breathing and gasping) as if to be appear sad and distraught. I have also read about James Holmes' lawyer being one of the victim's family, acting i assume.

There is also a picture of some photo Obama took with one of the supposed dead children (a girl named emily, I think) and her family after the whole incident occurred, although it is currently being debunked as emily, in that particular picture, being one of her siblings and they do look alike. There is also talk about the second person spotted and being escorted out by the woods and some sandy hook donation website coming up before the actual incident.

There are some weird stuff going on, but I try not to talk about it in the case that the kids really did die cause it would just be disrespectful. To be honest, this and the Aurora shooting just seem so bizarre with all the different accounts.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian