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kowenicki said:
Read this earlier on seeking alpha. His analysis is reasonable but it's also off in a couple of aspects.

You should never miss out the disclaimer on a seeking alpha recommendation either, this is his disclosure:

Disclosure: I am long SNE. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Anyway. I say Sony price should double in less than a year if the next qtr looks decent. If the next qtr financial are not as good as expected than a buy now will look silly pretty quick.

He was slow with Nokia too. I bought that in late July early August.

i think double is a little too much. I think Sony will have to do wonders to get rid of the stink that conventional wisdom has given them. Like he said, a great deal of sony imcome comes out of japan, and now that the yen is falling they will receive a nice boost. I don't agree that massive money printing and devaluation is a good idea.