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Okay so!


After standing next to Sully, I figured I would try to go beyond what is allowed once again only this time, the level would not actually vanish like Stage 1. And thats when I saw it.. Red rocks.


Yeah, I actually went from Stage 5 (hallucination part) to Stage 6 (red rock part) without the cutscene transition. For those of you who know, the red rock part has a red-sepia-ish colored sky which really makes it feel like its hot in which Drake goes under the red rock after Marlowes dialouge. Here however, the sky stayed the same and I was managed to still trigger the dialouge and crawl up in there. The game was however unable to continue after there as it only looped the camera zooming out. Not entirely shocking xD.


Here's how this area looks if you play it regularly:

(Starts at 8 minutes 20 seconds)


Here's how it looked for me when I glitched through: