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Kwaad, you say you can only name 5 good games for GC, but that's your opinion. That doesn't hold any merit. I have 10+ games and I think there all worth playing, but you may not like a Mario Kart game as much as I do, so that doesn't matter. DS has good games and will continue to. I've never been big on handhelds. My gbc=2 games, gba sp=5+ games, and my DS=3 and going to get some square enix games. You forget that DS is only a handheld and shouldn't be held in the same standards as consoles, regardless of how good it's selling. So even if DS starts to fail, which I don't think will happen anytime soon, Wii is a console. Wii will have more compelling games than DS, so don't try to pretend there market sales share the same fate.