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Marucha said:

Thanks :) I don't know how to edit my posts or it's hard for me to word my thoughts simply, so I don't post often and I try to narrow my topics.

I've had the types of experiences that it's no wonder I am the way I am today. One can argue what is 'meant'. Sometimes I like to think of it as the answer is an entire film with the whole picture and I may get a clip of it that helps me when and where I need it, but somebody else gets a different clip...maybe the most like law of attraction if you have heard of it. There are some things that shake you to the core that you don't help but at least keep your mind open. They change how you view life entirely, are only positive experiences, and make you more compassionate... perhaps because you learn from that moment that your reality is not the only one out there. There is an entire world out there. Of course some people wonder why God leaves them alone and doesn't interact with them at all... I just think there is always a lot more going on than what meets the eye, and you can't help but say that about anything and everything these days.

What you interpretted about my quote is basically what I was saying. Peace is really hard to find for a lot of people, especially the type that results in happiness. I don't know which is harder to find. You can be happy with your life and still not be at peace. It's hard. I can't begrudge anyone that finds both, but I can see religious folk maybe using the argument that 'perhaps' that person doesn't realize they are actually 'missing' something... which I think is arrogant.

Yeah. Interpreting the meaning is difficult. People usually have a difficult time even explaining what happened. While I'm not particularly relgious or spiritual, I had that type of experience once, and I can't really explain of the strangest things I ever experienced, but it kind of just dissipated, and I never thought much about it.