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In answer to the polling question, after pre-orders were announced to be sold-out, I learned to my horror that my wife had not pre-ordered anywhere even though she planned to give me a Deluxe Wii U for Christmas. I usually play cards with family on Saturday night's till around midnight or later. So, the weekend of the release, on my way home into that Sunday morning, I stopped at 2 - 24 hour Walmarts and was told the Wii U's were already sold out. When I got home, my wife was still awake (she works late Saturday nights at her second job), so I asked her if she wanted to come with me to Toys R Us when they opened and take our chances. She agreed, and after a nap, we got to Toys R Us at 7:25am (they opened at 7am) and there was a line cued-up for Wii U buyers. We were 25th in line, and the line continued to grow behind us. An employee came out and handed tickets to each person in line (had to have been about 40 people by then) and asked if anyone was there for a Basic model. Everyone wanted to Deluxe, and to my relief he said that we would all be getting one. After a short wait where free coffee and doughnuts were available, we were escorted into the store directly to the electronics section where, 5 at a time, we were guided to a register to purchase our Wii U's and any games we desired. So yes, I waited on line, but no, I wouldn't say it was difficult. Overall, a pleasurable experience the way they handled it.