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"Who doesnt know what their talking about now? You are blinded by fanboyism, so its not an argument worth having. You completely ignore the fact FFXIII sold 2 millions on the Xbox 360. That is pretty good evidance that the fanbase is not limited to the PS3 or Sony systems. The delay's FFXIII had were not due to the 360 port but poor organisation and planning by square. Exclusives are a thing of the past, get over it. And its most certainly not cause for lack of quality. The whole japanese market home console development is in decline and yet you make the argument that this is because of exclusives."

Oh please, you are dilusional. Lets call a spade a spade shall we. I went to school for Digital Entertainment and Game Design so I like to think I at least have a rudimentary understanding of how the game development process works. Making a game Multiplatform takes more than just transferring files to the other console. It takes massive amounts of recoding and debugging. This costs time and money. The fact of the matter is, every Multiplatform game is essentially a port. You can only start development for one system if you are going to be cost effective. Once the basic outline of the code is drawn up, you will then have to reshape and tweak that code to fit the standards of another platform. This is no simple task. Just to put things in perspective, Programmers are some of the highest paid in the industry. Long story short, it often comes out to be more than it is worth. How do I come to this conclusion? Look at the sales...

  • -DMC3 totaled around 4.30m, DMC4 on 2 platforms, 2.70m
  • -MGS3 sold 4.23m, MGS4 remained exclusive and sold 5.69m (on a much smaller install base)
  • -FFX sold 8.05m and XII sold 5.95m , FFXIII on 2 platforms sold 6.60m (first entry of the series each gen always sells more). 4.5/6ths of the sales on PS3.
  • -Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas sold 20.5m, GTA IV on 2 platforms sold 19.30m
  • -Demon's Souls sold 1.66m, Dark Souls on 2 Platforms sold.....1.86m (mind you it dropped in price far quicker with 3/4ths of sales on PS3)

There is the proof I need that going multiplatform does not equal more sales, it just moves the fanbases around but at the chance of losing some along the way. Especially when the supposed "Extra Sales" they obtained most assuredly did not offset the cost of porting. If anything the increase or decrease in sales is simply attributed to the rise and fall of the franchise popularity. Yet the fall often times can be directly linked with the fact it was multiplatform in the first place. I won't even go through the catalog of proof left in FFXIII's wake as I am sick of reiterating it.

This isn't fanboyism, this is fact.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)