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I really hope Obama wins. Outside of personal reasons of COMPLETELY not trusting the Clintons or approving of her "everyone MUST have health care, at the expense of everyone":

I was drawn to Obama's nonpartisan speeches this year, and I think he's really what the country needs to heal from 20 decades of bitter party fighting. The Clintons are masters of smoke and mirrors and will make this an ugly year if it's them vs. Republicans (a fight she might lose against McCain's inclusive appeal). Notice: as soon as Obama won Iowa, the Clinton hate machine fired up (Bill: "His plans are fairy tales").

I like his health care plan much better -- under 25 can be covered under parents, after that younger people aren't forced to buy health care (I'm 25, healthy, and I'd only need coverage for an emergency).

And experience? She has a SLIGHT edge (4 more years in Senate, she *WATCHED* Clinton in the White House but obviously did not govern, and her heath-care plan was blasted), but nothing to trust her over Obama. Her "35 years" is like Sony talking about their 10-year plans, haha -- a misinformative-at-best stretch.

She will have a much tougher campaign with all the baggage/enemies in both parties/right-wing ire for the Clintons.

 btw -- if you paid attention to Super Tuesday + exit polls, race/gender is CERTAINLY a key factor in the Dem race.