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As a spanish myself I just can't believe the amount of missunderstunding and stupid things I am reading here.

1. The SAT (The Labour Union where Gordillo is politically active) did't assault grocery stores, but two different big supermarkets (Mercadona and Carrefour) which have big profits and a long history of bulling againts their workers (you can find more info about this from CNT, the biggest anarcho-sindicalist union in spain).

2. It was planned as a single action to raise attention on the situation of many families in Andalusía where, with an unemployment rate of 33% and an agrarian based economy, is one of the provinces worst affected by the crisis.

3. They didnt steal anything for them, but inestead gave all the stuff (just articles to satisfy basic needs`like vegetables, cereals, milk, etc.) to families that are acctually ocuppying a series of buildings in the center of Sevilla because they loose their jobs and couldn't pay their mortages, not even their food. (The place where this community of families is staying is called "Utopía La Corrala", in case you want to search info in the internet).

4. The peacefull asault to the supermarket is the last action of a union that has been fighting for the rights of the people of andalusía from décades. In andalusía, most of the land is in the hands of a bunch of families and landlords while, as I previously said, 33% of the population is unemployd. As an agrarian province itself, and with that rate of people without jobs (and, consecuently, families without anything to eat) it would be fair to redistribute the land to the peasants to give them a way to satisfy their needs. But since the dictator Franco era nothing has changed in terms of land distribution (despite some land occupation actions by the SAT finished with some nobility forced to give their land to the peasants).

5. As a single action that pretenst to raise concern and make pressure, and since not all the Mercadona and Carrefour stuff come from andalusía crops, it won't be detrimental to the producers, like someone said.

6. Of course, there are many cases of corruption in Spain in many levels, but also there are honest politics that work for their peoples, are concerned of the problems of spanish society and try to change things. To say that all spanish local policy is corrupted is a generalization that, like all generalizations, is stupid and ignorant.

7. Like all the other unions, SAT recibes subsidies, but that money is not for the members of the Union, but to develop programs of education, job workshops, etc. to give the people the skills to avoid unemplyment. Not a single Euro goes to the pocket of ANY member of the union, so dont manipulate, please.

So, from my point of view, the assault was more than justified and I hope than everyday more and more people takes action to put pressure on the goverment and the rich in order to force a better distribution of the wealth and a solution to the crisis.

(It would be interesting to take a look at the situation of Marinaleda, the town where Gordillo is Mayor and where there is no unemployment, housing mortages are paid 15 Euros a month [around 12$, since its a basicc need] and basic social services like education, health, job workshops, etc. are free and universal, but this post has become too long already).