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Centralized action from an entrenched interest only gets you so far. The question I would ask is how does Europe and the civilized world incentivize those capable workers who have willingly left the work force? How do you get those minds into your organization to push it to the next level?

I believe that we are living in a poverty of imagination. Those who are invested are anything but creative or imaginative. Rather, they are derivative looking to borrow from others and synthesize into what they feel is their own. This is why we have games like L.A. Noire which are nothing more than a shoddy Hollywood film with button sequences. This is why we have Mass Effect 3 multiplayer being nothing more than a rip-off of Gears of War Horde mode.

Very little today is original. The beast, that is the status quo, lives and breathes off of the derivative and latest iteration of something that was first done 20+ years ago.

It could be the economy. It could be that those undergoing a creative endeavor are too smart and too cowardly to separate from the pack mentality. Whatever the cause, everyone is hoarding their chips waiting for those around them to fall where they may