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A Wii U could be two Wii's duct taped together. For example, (-Wiifinity, Wii) U (Wii, Wiifinity), as you can see there is an infinite set of Wiis that can be used to power this bad boy.

Joking aside, honestly, people really need to stop ragging on Nintendo for this. Sure the company took a bit longer than usual to get to the HD era, but after the GCN performance, I can hardly blame them for switching shaking things up a bit. Truthfully, all I want, what I really really want, is an HD Wii that makes Skyward Sword look like the original Super Mario Bros.

I'm not much of a Nintendo fanboy, but all it takes to guarantee a buy from me with the Wii U are it's HD first party titles. Maybe a free online service with a premium. The tablet looks great. It's like extra content for any game on the console, if the devs take the effort to utilize it. The Wii U doesn't really need to be that much greater, in terms of power, to the PS360, it just needs the backing of key devs to make the console great. Nintendo really needs to court them so they don't cut any corners.

E3 will really tell all honestly. The devs will finally get to see what Nintendo is doing with its games and how they've decided to utilize the tablet. Once they see that they'll be like "Oh, so that's another way we can use it." Or "Alright, time to make GTA5 exclusive to the Wii U" or "Final Fantasy XIII Versus, why does it need to be on any other console but the Wii U!?"

Haha, well that last bit was somewhat of a joke. Anyways, we'll see how it pans out in the future.

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = best game ever made.