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All these bills will never pass, but like Mr Khan says, it's the fact that they are even coming up that is troublesome. Every movie I ever downloaded, I also own the DVD for. Sometimes I bought the DVD because of the download, others, I just wanted quick digital access to a certain scene (king kong fighting t-rexs) and its a lot easier to do that then find it on a DVD and play that. Any song I ever downloaded, I could go on youtube and listen to it from a legitimate uploader (most often the band/singer/whatever).

Back in the day, people recorded radio songs on their cassette tapes ALL THE TIME. That was fine, but you rip it from a cd and then burn your own mixtape and give it to a friend? JAILLLLLL.

The industries, mainly the music one, screwed themselves. CDs soon after their mass production, cost MUCH less than a cassette tape to make. Yet the prices were $20 for a CD! And have only gone down recently since MP3's became so popular (legitimate ones more so than CDs). This is what happens when you rip off the consumer to a point that they have no alternative.

And every article from the mainsteam media that I read says CHINA is the problem with their piracy, not US or EU citizens or anyone else! Just China! So deal with CHINA... don't enact obtuse laws HERE. Deal with the source, China.