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I think Obama needs to be careful and not give aura of defeatism and lack of confidence that Carter had. I think that is what many of us remember Carter to be like. Obama needs to remain confident and strong.

I do not like this attitude Obama is showing lately where he is pretty much saying on 60 minutes, "I cannot do anything and its all the other sides fault. "

So, Carter showed a lack of confidence...

Reagan counteracted with this aura of confidence in America and hope.

None of the current Republicans are projected such an image or are capable of such a message. Sure Carter was unpopular, but Reagan really won people over.

The GOP is expecting Obama to be seen as so disliked, that people will automatically vote for the GOP. It will not be that simple.


Everyone is looking at the 1980 election as a refrence. The problem Obama is no Carter and no Republican is as good as Reagan.