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I have not reached the point where I can call the game entertaining ... just finished the intro and am going through the first dungeon area... about 2 hours in or so.

Am really not liking this so far at all.

Complaints so far...

1. The intro: everyone seems to agree it is too long

2. Controls: maybe I will get used to them, but count me as part of the "motion controls are a step backwards" camp. When I get home from work to pop in a game like this I don't want to fake swing swords ... is fun for a few minutes, but I already wish they gave you the option to just use a classic controller or a gamecube controller (at least twlight princess was just a slight waggle ... this game makes you do precision strikes which I can't seem to pull off unless I am standing in front of the TV screen; which is not comfortable for hours on end).

3. Story: I skimmed through the intro and barely undrstood/cared about what was happening ... An hour into Ocarina and you already had your first glimpse of the perils of the world unfolding before you as well as your first dungeon completed ... in Majora's you would have made it through the first 3 day cycle and narrowly avoided the destruction of termina ... in this game I went looking for a bird and followed a ghost girl around ... lame.

4. Art style: Maybe it was just because it was 2006 (I still have my copy of twilight princess so I can and will check) but the graphics just seem bad ... really bad even for the Wii. I just seemd to recall that Twilight princess looked so much better and was still quite impressive even with HD systems on the market. Maybe it is the slight chane in art style ... I just don't like the way things look so far ... too jagged and rough.

5. Music: Have heard a few classic tunes so far, but nothing spectacular so far ... will certainly give the game a chance in this department, but Zelda music just doesn't have the "magic" it used to have in the n64 and even gamecube days.

I will push on, but it just feels like the game is not meeting me half way. It also doesn't help that I have Skyrim and pretty much every other major release for the last 2 months stacked up on my entertainment center most of which have already proven to be more enjoyable than skyward sword.

I can't even blame this on the system like I do with the awful DS Zelda games ... since I loved Twlight Princess, and, to this day, feel that it vindicated my early and pricey decision to buy a Wii at launch.