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It's funny how there are a number of good sequels to comic book films.  Superman 2, X-Men 2, Spiderman 2 and The Dark Knight are all equal to or better than their predecessors.  Many would argue that Batman Returns and Blade 2 also fit into this category.  Personally, I'll always have a soft spot for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze.  :)

Anyway, most of the big names have been covered, but some other great sequels are:

Evil Dead 2

Drunken Master 2 (aka The Legend of Drunken Master)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Oldboy (if you think of it as a sequel to Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance... why not!)

Kill Bill Vol. 2 (sort of counts?)

Shrek 2

The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2)

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.