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To anyone who claims to be a denier/skeptic of climate change. 

Are you a journalist paid by Rupert Murdoch News Ltd? Maybe you work on a local news channel or paid to write far-right wing articles to please your conservative like minded readers. Say no if you do not want to  know. Fair and balanced news is the Fox News motto. ;)))

The believers can afford to be wrong on this issue. The climate change skeptic/deniers can not afford to be wrong on this issue. 

Why am I against nuclear power- the road is always to a path of high enriched uranium to mass produce nuclear weapons. A rogue terrorist nation like Iran should never have access to nuclear power because the road will lead to nuclear weapons which require enrichment of uranium of 95% . There is a huge issue with nuclear waste disposal  and the safe disposal of it in the long term. You can not safely dump nuclear toxic waste into landfill for extended periods of time and you can not dump it into oceans/seas/lakes without adverse side effects. 

The cost of setting up nuclear plants and safely maintaining them is extremely expensive- multiplier effect based on more plants. Cost savings and cutting corners on safety and maintenance on nuclear plants may lead to Chernobyl meltdowns. Multi-national companies like to save costs and cut corners on safety and maintenance and not conducting audits.